For vaporizing concentrate like smash or wax, a small dab rig (also known as dab straw or honey straw) is used. Even though bubbles aren't requiring, as you'll see, we like to think of it as a lightweight, compact bubbler.
The first vertical vaporizer, known as the wholesale Nector Collector, was introduced to the market. When its success grew, the brand name was used instead of "dab straw" or "honey straw" by more people.
They are lightweight and come with a dish to help discourage any mess that comes with the dab getting tooled on the go. A Nectar Collector includes water filtration similar to a traditional dab rig but in a spill-proof box.
Heat the Nectar Collector's tip with the hash sitting in the serving dish, much as you would with a regular nail or banger. Wait for its cooling. A quartz tip, a titanium tip, or both would be provided with most Nectar Collectors. I like the quartz tip, but the titanium tip has more longevity, and if it drops off, it is less vulnerable to cracking.
Tap the hot tip until it has cooled down over the pile of focus in the dish to the desired temperature. I've discovered that touching your Nectar Collector repeatedly before you've pulled enough vapor through is the easiest way to monitor the scale of your dab.
The vapor would then ascend through the Nectar Collector, percolating through the water chamber until it hits the mouthpiece. Take a deep breath and enjoy yourself with your nectar collector.
Nectar collectors have three major components:
The mouthpiece from which you can inhale the weed vapor is the ear. The body is close to the water chamber in a bong or dab rig and lies between the collar and the tip. You may prefer to use water in your body for certain nectar collectors or not. Much of the time, you'll want to drink some water before toking so the water will dilute the vapor and eliminate a lot of the harshness before it enters your throat and lungs. Finally, the top of a nectar holder, like the cup of a bong or the nail of a dab rig, is where all the fun happens.
Nectar collectors are much smaller, making them an easy option for extended trips or just a day out in the area than the standard dab rig. A nectar collector is an excellent choice for parties and daily use because of its novelty. To get started, all you need is wax or smash and a blaze.
Most nectar collectors are broking down into three parts (neck, body, and tip), making it easy to clean them with only running water.
As previously mentioned, nectar collectors are incredibly convenient to use, making them a feasible alternative to other cannabis-related devices.
The ease of nectar collectors is one of the critical reasons for their success. To take a dab, you don't need too many loose bits, and it typically takes less time than your full-on dab rig, nail, and carb cap system. A Nectar Collector's simple architecture can also minimize waste because it helps you monitor how much you vaporize accurately. When you've had plenty, quickly take the tip away from your concentrates. A small nectar collector costs almost the same as a glass bong, making it inexpensive to both focus fans and recreational cannabis consumers.
To clean your nectar collector, you'll need a plastic zip-top bag, hot water, a cup, and a cleaning agent that contains 91 percent or more alcohol. Remove the tip of your nectar collector before these materials are collected, then blast through the mouthpiece. This would wash the water out and allow you to fill the chamber by using your cleaning agent. Enable the piece to soak for at least an hour in your cup, standing it up. Then place the tip in the plastic bag, fill it with the solution for washing, and allow it to soak for the same period of time. Finally, rinse each piece with hot water, making sure to extract from the nectar collector any residual cleaning fluid.
Since nectar collectors are so flexible, smoking wax with one is easy. You can also smoke smash, rosin, CBD oil, THC oil, budder, or something else you want.